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Involvement In Externally Funded Grants

- Do Innovative Playgrounds Mitigate Health Disparities? RO1HL145145, NHLBI. (09/19-08/22; Cohen, PI, RAND)
- Do Departments of Parks and Recreation Alleviate or Foster Health Disparities? RO1HL114432, NHLBI. (09/13-08/18; Cohen, PI, RAND)
- Promoting Physical Activity in High Poverty Neighborhoods.R01HL114283, NHLBI. (2/13-1/17; Cohen, PI, RAND)
- An Ecological Approach to Addressing Childhood Obesity in Imperial County. 1U18DP00337, CDC. (09/29/11-09/28/15; Ayala, PI)
- San Diego Research Prevention Center Obesity Prevention and Control in the Latino Community. U48 DP001917, CDC/PRC. (2004-2014, Elder/Ayala, PD/PI)
- Investing in America’s Future: Mentoring Researchers in Latino Health Disparities. NHLBI, R25 HL105430. (09/10-07/14; Elder & Talavera, PIs)
- Adoption of GUIA. U48 DP001917 SIP 09-025. CDC/PRC (09/30/09-09/30/13; Elder, PI)
- A translation study of the Academia da Cidade program (ACP): An evidence-based, professionally supervised community physical activity program for Latino adults. R18 DP002138, DHHS/CDC. (2009-12; Marshall, PI)
- Parks and Physical Activity in Diverse Communities. (R01-HL083869, NIH-NHLBI). (2007-2012; Cohen, PI, RAND)
- Validation of SOPARC and Use in Diverse Populations. R01HL092569, NIH/NHLBI. (2008-12; Cohen, PI, RAND).
- Away From Home & Out of School: Adolescent PA and BMI changes that Occur with Driving and Eating Out. NHLBI, R01HL071244. (7/07-6/11; Cohen, RAND)
- Evaluating the impact of playground renovations on physical activity behavior among youth. Active Living Research, Robert Wood Johnson; ID#65562. (2008-11; Cohen, PI, RAND)
- Obesity Prevention in Recreation Centers. Grant R01-DK72994, NIH-NIDDK. (2006-11; Elder, PI). (MOVE Project)
- Cost-Effectiveness in Physical Activity Promotion. National Cancer Institute. (04/07-03/09; S. Wu, PI, RAND)
- The Role of Parks in Physical Activity and Health. NIH, NIEHS Grant P50ES012383. (6/03-5/08; Cohen, PI, RAND)
- Obesity Prevention in Latino Home and Community Environments. Grant HL73776, NHLBI, NIH. (2002-07; Elder, PI) (AVENTURAS Project)
- Trial of Activity for Adolescent Girls (TAAG). Grant HL66856, NHLBI, NIH. (2000-06; Sallis/Elder, PIs)
- Community Characteristics and Physical Activity among Adolescent Girls. (Grant #R01 HL 071244, NHLBI. (7/02-6/06; Cohen, PI, RAND)
- Dynamotion. (Phases 1 & 2, NIH SBIR Grants to Take Aim Media for production and evaluation of health related videos for children. (2000-2004; DeLouise, PI.)
- Middle School Physical Activity and Nutrition (M-SPAN). Grant HL54564, NHLBI, NIH. (1996-2000; Sallis, PI)
- CATCH: A Study of Institutionalization. Grant HL58960, Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications NHLBI, NIH. (4/98-6/00; Nader, PI)
- Sport, Play, and Active Recreation for Children (SPARK). Grant HL44467, NHLBI-NIH. (1994-96, 1989-1994; Sallis, PI)
- Diet and Activity in Mexican-American and Anglo Children. NHLBI-NIH Grant, HL52449. (12/94-11/97 and 12/98-11/01; Nader, PI
- CATCH: Child and Adolescent Trial of Cardiovascular Health. (Grant HL39870, Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications NHLBI-NIH. (12/94-11/98, 4/91-3/94; Nader, PI)
- Social Learning of Diet and Physical Activity in Children. (SCAN-Study of Children’s Activity and Nutrition; NHLBI/NIH, HL35109. (7/86-3/94; Nader, PI).
- Physical Activity Engagement and Opportunities for Children with Disabilities in Special School Environments. General Research Fund, Hong Kong. (2012-14; Sit, PI)
- School Evidence-Based Physical Activity Report Card. Active Living Research, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (Lounsbery, PI; 2013).
- Children’s Activity and Policies in Schools (CAPS). Faculty Opportunity Award, UNLV. (2012, Lounsbery, PI)
- Translation of Evidence-Based Physical Education in Elementary Schools. Active Living Research, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Grant # 68486. (2011-12; Lounsbery, PI).
- School Physical Activity Policy Assessment. Active Living Research, Robert Wood Johnson, Grant #67113. (2010-12; Lounsbery, PI).
- Middle School Sport Facilities: Policies, Physical Activity, and Cost Effectiveness.Active Living Research, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (Kanters & Bocarro, PIs, 2010-11)
- Discovering Obstacles to Physical Education (Do PE). Active Living Research, Robert Wood Johnson, Grant #65563. (2009-10; Lounsbery, PI).
- School Intramural Sports and Physical Activity: A Middle School Policy Intervention. Active Living Research, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (Kanters & Bocarro, PIs, 2008-10)
- Assessing the utilization of outdoor gym installations in public parks and their impact on physical activity among park users. Active Living Research, RWJF; RAND ID# 65532. (2008-09; Cohen, PI)
- Physical activity for children in special school environments. Hong Kong Health & Health Services Research Fund. (2007-09; Sit, PI)
- Carol M. White Physical Education for Progress (PEP) Grant to San Diego County Consortium (2003-04; Blackman, PI). (evaluator)
- Obesity Intervention Program (OPI). (San Diego City Schools, State of California, & CDC. (2003-04; Rosengard, PI).
- California Physical Education/Health Education Subject Matter Project. (University of California; 1996-97; 1997-98; K Bachman, PI)
- Four Sports Psychology Research and Service Grants to USA National Volleyball Teams from the United States Olympic Committee (1983; 1985-87).