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PowerPoint Presentations
- McKenzie, T. L., (2019, April 11). Assessing CSPAPs using systematic observation: SOFIT and SOPLAY. SHAPE America National Convention. Tampa, FL.
- McKenzie, T. L. (2018, November 23). It Takes a Village to Raise a Physically Active Child: Systematic Observation Assessment. 2018 Active Living and Health International Conference, Hong Kong.
- McKenzie, T. L., & Lounsbery, M. A. (2018, October 19). Physical Education/Physical Activity Policy Research: The Bigger Bang Theory. PETE. Salt Lake City.
- McKenzie, T. L. (2018, September 21). Physical Activity within School Contexts: The Bigger Bang Theory. National Academy of Kinesiology, Chicago.
- McKenzie, T. L., & Cohen, D. A. (2017, August 1). People count. Assessing park and recreation center use. GREATER & GREENER 2017: An International Urban Parks Conference. Minneapolis & Saint Paul, MN. (workshop)
- McKenzie, T. L. (2017, November 15). Physical Activity Promotion: The Importance of Schools. Pennington Biomedical Research Center 10thAnniversary Childhood Obesity and Public Health Conference 2017, Baton Rouge, LA.
- McKenzie, T. L. (2018, Feb).Systematic Observation of Physical Activity and its Contexts. (workshop) ALR, Banff
- McKenzie, T. L. (2017, March 16). Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: Evidence Matters!CSPAP SIG first annual distinguished speaker, SHAPE America National Convention, Boston, MA.
- Bocarro, J., Kanters, M., Suau, L., Casper, J., Floyd, M, & McKenzie, T. L. (2011). Impact of school sport policy on observed physical activity in middle school children. ALR presentation.
- Cohen, D. A., Ashwood, S., Scott, M., Overton, A., Evenson, K. R., Voorhees,C., Bedimo-RungA, & McKenzie, T. L. (2006). Proximity to school and physical activity among middle school girls: The trial of activity for adolescent girls study. ALR presentation-paper.
- Cohen, D. A., Evenson, K., Voorhees, C., Sstaten, L., McKenzie, T. L., & Bedimo-Rung, A. (2005). Proximity of parks and schools is associated with physical activity in adolescent girls. ALR presentation.
- Cohen, D. A., Han, B., Derose, K., Williamson, S., Marsh, T., & McKenzie, T. L. (2012) Effects of poverty on park use in Southern California. ALR presentation.
- Cohen, D. A., Han, B., Derose, K., Williamson, S., Marsh, T., & McKenzie, T. L. (2013) Increasing physical activity in parks: Results of a randomized control intervention trial. ALR presentation.
- Cohen, D. A., Han, B., Derose, K., Williamson, S., Marsh, T., & McKenzie, T. L. (2013) Impact of park renovations on park use and park-based physical activity. ALR presentation.
- Cohen, D. A., Marsh, T., Williamson, S., McKenzie, T. L., & Gonineli. (2011). Family fitness zones increase MVPA. (2009). ALR presentation.
- Cohen, D. A., Marsh, T., Williamson, S., Derose, K., Martinez, H., Setodji, C., & McKenzie, T. L. (2009). Programming, community involvement, and park safety: What matters in getting people more active? ALR presentation.
- Cohen, D. A., McKenzie, T. L., Sehgal, A., Williamson, S., & Golinelli, D. (2006). Urban park use and physical activity. ALR presentation.
- Cohen, D. A., Sehgal, A, McKenzie, T. L., Williamson, S., & Gonelli, S. (2008). Effects of park improvements on park use and physical activity: Policy and programming implications. ALR presentation.
- Kanters, M., Bocarro, J., Filardo, M, Edwards, M., McKenzie, T. L., & Floyd, M. (2013). Shared use of school facilities with community organizations and physical activity program participation: A cost-benefit assessment. ALR presentation.
- Kanters, M., Bocarro, J., McKenzie, T. L., Suau, L., & Carlton, T. (2014). Systematic Observation of Physical Activity using iSOPARC: An iPad Application for Research and Practice. ALR workshop.
- Lounsbery, M., & McKenzie, T. L. (2010). School adoption of evidence-based PE. ALR presentation.
- Lounsbery, M., & McKenzie, T. L., Morrow, J., & Holt, K. (2012). School physical activity policy assessment. ALR presentation.
- Lounsbery, M., & McKenzie, T. L., & Monnat, S. (2013). School physical education policies: Relationship to recess policy and practice. of evidence-based PE. ALR presentation.
- McKenzie, T. L., & Lounsbery, M. A. (2014) Systematic Observation of Physical Activity and its Contexts. ALR workshop.
- Shulaker, B., Isacoff, Cohen, D., Han, B., Williamson, S., Marsh, T., McKenzie, T. L., Bhatia, R., & Wier, M. (2013). Partnerships for parks and physical activity. ALR presentation.
- McKenzie, T. L. et al. (Mar 28, 2012). Improving school policies and settings to increase physical activity. (Webinar; 90 minutes)